Friday, May 15, 2015

Learning to be a master knife maker: Hints and tips

The history of knives comes a long way through the ages. Since then, knives have evolved from stone materials to steel and has developed a few features designed for specific uses such as filleting, cutting thick and large objects as well as knives for outdoors and survival.

There are those who love to keep a set or specific selection of knives at home. Kitchen knives are a common item used for variety of cutting purposes in the kitchen. Out doors men definitely carry knives as they are in dispensable when living working and playing outdoors. For this reason, many companies exist that make knives and make good ones. Furthermore, companies that create knives that are cheap are also present in the market since the item is easy to sell. Anyone who knows how to handle knives can tell which one is good and durable. So how can people actually become a pro knife maker?

For one to be able to have the title "master knife maker", he or she should be able to grasp the full details about knives. You should know that there are about a thousand of knife types and classifications in the market and have to know each one of these is your primary duty. The reason for this is that depending on the type of knife that someone is considering, construction process is different. The shape and design of the knife used in combat is entirely different than the one that the surgeon uses. Each and every knife out there has a different specialty or function that a master knife maker should keep in mind.

As mentioned, a knife will serve a sole purpose. Being able to have an in-depth knowledge with regard to metalwork and creativity in designing a functional knife should be some of the few traits a master knife maker should possess. All such skills and knowledge should be present in an effective knife maker.

"Form meets function" is something that you usually hear from master knife makers whenever you ask a specific knife from them. To explain this adage further, say if you are looking to purchase a knife that you can throw then a knife maker would design one that is easy to throw - one that is light and balanced. Another example is when a person is looking to have a knife that is going to be used for hunting wherein the knife design should be durable, rugged, sharp with a bit of length and must be functional.

A knife maker can use various materials in order to create a masterpiece knife. Usually, the material used to create a knife will depend on its function. Durability is usually what is sought for in a knife and therefore materials with this trait is often used. Some materials hold an edge better, some materials work better with thin slicing versus hard cutting.

In addition, knife makers are artists. Knife makers are able to create a knife that is sleek, short, large, with exotic handles, functional, foldable and others.

Therefore, being a master knife maker will require you to have that special skills and a good understanding about knives as well as the design and function that your knife should possess.

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